Jiangsu Jingzhongjing Industry Coating Equipment Co., Ltd.

Looking for Paint Spray Booths?

Spray paint booths were recently installed for the Audi shop by the Jingzhongjing brand. Automotive paint booths are excellent investments, regardless of whether you're opening a store or expanding your business to include car painting services. They assist you in managing the workspace so that you can do auto paint jobs quickly and securely. Additionally, it could aid in gaining clients by creating an exquisite paint job.

You can see that car body element being painted in paint booth, and car element body after painting. Drying parts of the automobile in spray booth. Whatever you need cross draft spray booths, we will design the commercial paint booth to meet your finishing needs.

spray booth equipment

When you’re ready to enhance your shop with a paint booth, the first step is to walk through all the safety protocols and local regulations to ensure you create a safe environment for operating a spray booth. Give us a call at 008613501942860 to get you the absolute best booth for your shop.

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